A New Benefit to using My NCBI (PubMed Account)

PubMed logoJust like in CINAHL, you can create an account in PubMed in which you can save citations or searches.  The “portal” into personal accounts is called My NCBI. You can create an account by clicking the My NCBI link in the top right corner of PubMed.

MyNCBI log in

The newest benefit to searching PubMed when signed into your My NCBI account: Recent Activity. PubMed will automatically save your search activity for 6 months. So, that search I assisted a student with back in October 2013? Still there. The search I ran for one of the dental school administrators in September 2013? Still there. If for some reason I needed to access either one of those search results, I would not have to re-create my work. I could go to my Recent Activity within my MY NCBI account and find the search. What a time saver … especially if you are completing part 2 of a research assignment!

PubMed recent activity

Questions? Don’t hesitate to call me!
