Tag Archives: EBP

PubMed Health – systematic reviews

PubMed Health is a National Library of Medicine resource for patients and clinicians. It focuses on what works with disease prevention and treatment (clinical effectiveness). It searches PubMed for systematic reviews, but also contains executive summaries of those systematic reviews. Executive summaries highlight the findings of systematic reviews in an easy to read form; they cut to the chase, so to speak. PubMed Health contents include DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects) reviews, clinical guides, and a list of...

A Follow up on Data Misrepresentation

Last posting I highlighted two books written by bad science guru Dr. Ben Goldacre. This time I am passing on another (shorter) source that came across my desk last week. Jordan Ellenberg wrote a short posting for the Wall Street Journal, How Not to Be Mislead by Data, that provides several examples of how accurate data can be presented in a way that can lead a reader into unsound conclusions. Dr. Ellenberg talks about the following data presentation errors. 1. Failure to...

CINAHL: Evidence Based Practice Limit

CINAHL is a super flexible database in terms of its availability of limiters. One caveat, however, when it comes to applying limits … you need to understand what happens when you apply a particular limit. For example… the Evidence Based Practice limit… When you choose this limit, your results will be limited to a specific subset of journals that have been identified as Evidenced Based Practice (EBP) in the “Special Interest” field. These are journals that focus on the application...