Tag Archives: news article

Top Nursing News Stories from 2015

In January of 2015, the American Journal of Nursing published a brief article that looked at the top news stories in nursing over the past year. The stories involved three areas: workplace stress, nursing education, and nursing’s image. I had to shake my head and chuckle when I read the subject matter. Two of these three topics have consumed nursing’s focus for as long as I have been involved in the profession. I would hazard a guess they most likely...

A Follow up on Data Misrepresentation

Last posting I highlighted two books written by bad science guru Dr. Ben Goldacre. This time I am passing on another (shorter) source that came across my desk last week. Jordan Ellenberg wrote a short posting for the Wall Street Journal, How Not to Be Mislead by Data, that provides several examples of how accurate data can be presented in a way that can lead a reader into unsound conclusions. Dr. Ellenberg talks about the following data presentation errors. 1. Failure to...